Realising the potential of the the National Tutoring Programme
The National Tutoring Programme is a once in a generation investment into tutoring and we are pleased to see it is a key part of education recovery in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Education and skills: Reflections and hopes for the future
On the week of exam results, we reflect on the issues exacerbated by the pandemic and explore some of the changes we’d like to see. (Photo by JodyHongFilms on Unsplash)

Has Tutoring Come of Age?
The covid-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdown has brought many swift changes to British life and public policy. Our CEO and co-founder Paul Singh shares his pedagogical journey and asks if tutoring has come of age?

National Tutoring Programme: A Guide for Teachers and Tutors
The National Tutoring Programme could have an enormous impact on our students abilities to catch up post-lockdown. Read our guide on how Equal Education is planning to scale up and contribute towards the effort, and how you can participate.

National Tutoring Programme: Info & thoughts from our CEO
The National Tutoring Programme is a vital step forward to providing for our embattled education sector. Our CEO reports on the key findings and challenges ahead. Find out more and how you could get involved.

Equal Education: Response to National Tutoring Programme
We welcome catch-up measures introduced today and will build on our existing partnerships with Local Authorities to develop and deliver schools-based individualised tuition learning programmes to reach more disadvantaged young people and improve outcomes.