Our Impact


Hours delivered


Clients served


Learners reached



Pupil Voice 2022-23

Pupil surveys suggested an increase in engagement, academic understanding and tuition helped them in general. 90% of pupils would recommend tuition to other pupils. 

In our student voice survey, students were asked to rate how much they agree with the following statements:

  • How would you rate your enjoyment in this subject? This found an average percentage increase of 21%.

  • I think that what we are learning this year is interesting. This found an average percentage increase of 19%.

Other positive outcomes of tuition included; 

  • Growing self-confidence

  • Intrinsic motivation

  • Self-efficacy

  • Improved exam grades

  • Qualifications including GCSEs, Functional Skills, Apprenticeships

  • Successful reintegration into school

Parent, Teacher & Carer Feedback 2022-23

When asked how likely they are to recommend Equal Education and our tutors to others, 91% of parents/carers/teachers responded either “likely” or “very likely”. Parent/carer/teacher feedback suggested tuition was beneficial for the student (94% agreed), provided adequate academic support (85% agreed) and had a positive effect on the student’s academic performance (74% agreed).

Tutor Satisfaction  2022-23

In order to grow, we take extensive steps to hear the voice of our tutors. In the annual end of year survey, our tutors noted the following average scores (out of 6):

How fulfilling do you find your work with Equal Education? 5.4 out of 6.

  • How valued do you feel as a tutor? 5.3 out of 6.

  • How effective is the level of support provided by the Equal Education team for your tuition? 5.1 out of 6.

Furthermore, during temperature checks throughout tuition, our tutors noted the communication rating between all contacts involved in the tuition was 4.2 out of 5.

“I also just wanted to take the time to say what an amazing experience it has been to be able to work for Equal Education. At every step throughout my journey, I have had a warm welcome and lots of helpful members of staff in each department going the extra mile. I have been so blessed to have had a brilliant experience over the last few months and for that, I thank you all so much. I wish I had found you sooner!” - Tutor feedback

“Working with Equal Education as a tutor has been one of the most important decisions I have taken. The team has been wonderful and responsible. I am able to work conveniently around my family commitments and most importantly I get to work with the most amazing set of children. This is the highlight of my work.” - Tutor feedback

Referrer Satisfaction 2022-23

97% of our clients said they were “very likely” to recommend our services.

“The close collaborative working with Equal Education has enabled bespoke learning packages to be put in place that are individual to student’s needs and home situation. Equal Education’s prompt responses, creative application and quality of tuition and clear focus on ensuring children and young people remain at the centre has enabled this partnership to continue to grow and strengthen.” - Local Authority

Source: Equal Education Impact Report 2022-23.

At Equal Education, monitoring and evaluating our impact is essential to provide the highest quality tuition and we undertake termly and yearly reviews.

Find our Impact Report from 2022-23 here.

Find our Impact Report from 2020-21 here.