Accessing our Services
We have simple processes in place to support your tuition requirements. We invite schools and Local Authorities to follow the below steps, or to contact us to discuss how we can best support.
STEP 1 - Submit referral form
If you are a school or Local Authority wishing to refer a student for 1:1 tuition, please complete a Referral Form, and send it through to support@equaleducation.co.uk, along with any additional information such as the student’s Personal Education Plan and/or Education, Health and Care Plan.
We strongly encourage all schools and Virtual Schools to access our services at a reduced rate through the National Tutoring Programme, which you can find guidance on here.
STEP 2 - Tutor allocation
Equal Education’s Allocations team identifies a suitable tutor from our Tutor Community. We carefully choose the tutor based on their skills, experience and ability to meet the student’s needs. We work closely with schools and parents/carers to organise the tuition timetable to best suit the child’s schedule, keeping the referrer informed throughout.
STEP 3 - Boost engagement and attainment
Our tutors work on a 1:1 basis, tailoring their provision to meet the child’s needs. Tutors use their teaching skills and experience to identify and overcome barriers to learning, creating a scheme of work to help the student make progress towards achieving their goals. Tutors provide pastoral care and create stable and positive relationships. We monitor student progress and share student reports with referrers, including: attendance, behaviour, engagement, and academic performance.