Realising the potential of the the National Tutoring Programme
The National Tutoring Programme is a once in a generation investment into tutoring and we are pleased to see it is a key part of education recovery in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Education and skills: Reflections and hopes for the future
On the week of exam results, we reflect on the issues exacerbated by the pandemic and explore some of the changes we’d like to see. (Photo by JodyHongFilms on Unsplash)

Impact Evaluation: Autumn tuition improved confidence for Looked After Children
Equal Education has teamed up with ImpactEd to assess the impact of its Autumn 2020 tuition programme for Looked After Children - initial findings are encouraging with marked improvement in pupil confidence.

New research: Effective use of Pupil Premium Plus
Latest research on pupil premium plus highlights need for further evidence on interventions that improve outcomes for children in care.

Being a social enterprise in education
When we work with new partners or recruit new tutors we often get asked why we’re a social enterprise and how this makes us different. Jack provides a brief overview of what it means to us. (Photo by Javier Trueba via Unsplash)